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About Phil

After 25 years as a marketing executive in the financial services industry - and a dozen more years split between high-tech and the public sector - I left to pursue endeavors that were more fulfilling on a personal level and more contributory on a societal level.

When people ask what I do, I often say "A lot of things." That's only half facetious. I have many interests and feel liberated by no longer being tied to a corporate title. I've always been - and have always wanted to be - a writer. I sold my first article when I was still in high school. I've written dozens of articles and essays on topics ranging from the physiology of sweat to Lincoln's attempt to hire Garibaldi to head up the Union army. My book topics are equally varied as you'll see by exploring this site.

In addition to writing, I was an adjunct professor at Boston College where I taught at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. I found this interactive dialogue with young minds to be the most enjoyable and rewarding work of my career.

If there's one common element to my diverse experience it's a focus on putting myself in the place of the reader, client, or student and crafting messages that resonate and engage.

If any of this encourages you to pick up one of my books, that's great. If not, we can still be friends.

© 2024 by Phil Fragasso

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